
Even several years later, we always meet again with just as much pleasure to exchange about our experiences and opportunities.

Whether they followed classical or more atypical career paths, our former consultants share a common denominator. At Oneida Associés they lived a great adventure and a major experience in their career that will follow them throughout their life thanks to the knowledge, know-how and network they have built there.

This is why we decided to set up this Alumni network, intended to help you bolster these links and extend your sphere of relationships.

Within the Alumni group, we endeavor to provide our alumni with ever more numerous opportunities for reunions and exchanges.

When you become a member of the Oneida Alumni:

  • You will be informed of the firm’s latest developments
  • You will be invited to special events organized by other alumni
  • You will receive articles about the latest news and key transformation issues
  • You can easily stay in touch with your former colleagues

Belonging to the Oneida Alumni network is not only an excellent opportunity to get together to share a common past, but most of all to broaden the scope of your future opportunities and experiences!

Come and join us:

Alumni Oneida

“Bolstering the links with Oneida Alumni